Santa Maria Update
Peak season here is just around the corner and we are looking forward to a nice long summer here on the west side of town. These photos taken yesterday show just how much fruit is out there AND on the way. Our day neutral varieties look and taste excellent, with large size and full red color.
As expected at this time of year, the morning and evening fog has returned which keeps our plants healthy with a nice slow increase in volume expected over the next couple of weeks. The ten day weather forecast shows us hovering in the mid to high 60’s with some fog, breezy conditions and night time temps in the high 40’s to low 50’s. Now that we are through Memorial Day promotions, we look forward to graduation season and Father’s Day heading into that first day of Summer next month. Plenty of fruit ahead to keep those displays front and center.
Industry Update
The California Strawberry Commission publishes a retail e-newsletter with some great resources for buyers. Included here is a chart showing most recent volume projections which is updated frequently based on industry feedback. If you are not currently receiving this publication, be sure to reach out to Katie at the CSC.