April 7, 2023

Overall Update – Happy Easter!

We may have finally turned the corner!  Mild weather conditions have finally arrived in California and our strawberry plants are welcoming spring at last.

Oxnard:  The plants look great, fruit is excellent in color, shape and flavor.  We are finally enjoying a path towards peak season this Spring here in Oxnard. We were beginning to wonder if we would ever see a forecast with no rain. Now, daily volume is increasing here and we expect our weekly numbers to continue to increase for the next several weeks as we get through April and head into a peak in May.  Daily temps are in the mid 60’s with cool nights still expected for the next couple of weeks.

Coachella:  This region is also seeing spring conditions and slightly cooler temperatures than normal.  We expect a warming trend this weekend, but the forecast shows cool temps returning next week.  We are enjoying steady volume from this region as the quality and flavor remain excellent.

Santa Maria:  This region is starting to show signs that we may see harvesting pick up in the next couple of weeks. As the warm weather finally kicks in, plants are responding and we look forward to some decent volume by month end.  We will keep you informed as we see numbers start to increase.  Currently, the volume is minimal from this region, but if weather cooperates that could change quickly.

Be sure to check out our new clamshell and label that is fully recyclable, along with other sustainability progress here at Bobalu Berries.