March 3, 2023

California Update

As we move into March, typically we see Spring weather emerging here in Southern California.  Not so much this year!

Today we are in Orlando, FL visiting with many of you at the South Eastern Produce Council trade show.  For those of you that we will not have a chance to see here in sunny Florida, here is our forecast as we know it today.

  • This wet weather is causing the entire state to be late and we expect to see less of an overlap of growing regions this year.  This will also result in later overall peaks in each district.  What that means for you is Oxnard will be harvesting well beyond Mother’s Day, but it also could result in tight Easter situation.
  • Overall 2023 costs of farming have increased across the board.  Higher minimum wage, increased costs of petroleum based products (fuel, fertilizer, etc) so expect to see higher FOB price quotes this year.
  • In the short term, plants will come back quickly once we see 10-14 days of clear weather.  We will keep you informed as we watch the forecast.


Visit us at booth #611 this weekend

We look forward to Viva Fresh Next!