April 15, 2022


Oxnard Update

As you know, we have had some disruptive weather and spent much of last week and early this week working through it.  Since we are vertically integrated, we are able to divert fruit directly to our processing partner (photo below) and keep our plants clean and healthy while keeping only quality fruit in the fresh box.  This does reduce the amount of fruit we have to sell in the fresh market in the very short term, but delivers a higher quality product to our shared consumer.

We are now doing a nice slow roll into peak season here with mild weather, healthy plants and beautiful fruit.  This has been yet another unpredictable year so far with weather shifts this winter and spring but we are very optimistic about what is still ahead here with quality, flavor and volume coming into our peak.

We do see mild weather for the next ten days in the forecast here with daytime highs in the mid to high 60’s and night time lows in the high 40’s.  Perfect for more good fruit ahead and peak numbers expected just before Mother’s Day.

Santa Maria Update

We are really happy with how this district is coming along with very healthy plants, lots of great fruit on the plants now, with plenty of bloom and green fruit behind it.  Like Oxnard, the weather is mild and we have typical Spring weather ahead in the forecast.  We might see a chance of showers tomorrow and late next week, but nothing that will impact our season progressing on schedule as we inch through Spring and closer to summer conditions.

The fruit looks and tastes great and we are excited to get our season off the ground here and look forward to working with you for Mother’s Day promotions ahead and a great summer.  Photos below show our fields on the west side of town coming on with plenty of fruit, and we are enjoying what we see here.