Oxnard Update
As you know, things are winding down a bit in this region and we are slowly transitioning our business to Santa Maria. In the meantime, we are still able to select the best fruit for the fresh market and easily divert any fruit that doesn’t meet grade. Due to our ability to shift fruit to our processing partner on site, we have an advantage and can keep fields clean while still maintaining sustainable practices and reduce food waste.
We will closely monitor fruit and field conditions to ensure we maintain strict quality controls on all harvesting. Please keep in touch with our sales team on how this region progresses based on any weather conditions or shift in quality. The weather does look mild for the coming week here in Oxnard and we appreciate your support of our program.
Santa Maria Update
We are really excited about how the fields are progressing here on the west side of town and we are ramping up our volume just in time for the transition from Oxnard. Each week for the next several weeks, numbers will continue to increase with our Monterey variety and we look forward to a peak some time in mid to late June,
We will obviously keep you up to date each week on how things progress and when we will see peak numbers and how long they will be sustained. In the meantime, the fruit is perfect with large size, full color and great flavor. As you can see from the photos below, we have significant bloom and fruit in all stages.
Our organic fruit is also coming along with consistent weekly volume with good size, color and flavor. This is still a very small part of our business, but we are pleased to be able to add this to our offering this year.
Promotion Ongoing
The California Strawberry Commission launched an IBOTTA campaign last week providing consumers with a rebate for their California strawberry purchases nationwide, and is expected to continue through the Mother’s Day holiday. This Spring campaign serves as an incentive to add strawberries to the shopping list and money back once consumers make that purchase at your stores. The Commission committed a significant budget to this campaign to support the industry and your sales so the rebates should be in place for the next several weeks. Rebates to consumers support any brand of California strawberries.