Happy Mother’s Day!
Oxnard Update
Our mild weather and healthy plants continue to keep this region in fresh production. We are really pleased with how this season has unfolded in Oxnard and the fruit is still coming on. We will stay in fresh for at least another week and monitor volume and your feedback as we assess when to conclude our season here.
Our fruit is firm with good color and great flavor and we continue to receive positive feedback from consumers on flavor and quality. The weather is forecasted to stay mild with day time temperatures in the mid 60’s with light wind through next week..
Santa Maria Update
We still have weeks before we hit our peak here on the west side of town. We took a walk in the fields yesterday and saw a lot of bloom, fruit in various stages and very large beautiful strawberries, as you can see from the photo. We are estimating the volume will continue to climb for the next several weeks before hitting peak numbers towards the end of June.
Similar to Oxnard, our weather here is forecasted to stay in the mid 60’s during the day with some light wind expected most of next week. The plants look very healthy and now we are looking toward Memorial Weekend for some good promotable volume from this region.
Shopper Insights
The California Strawberry Commission released these valuable statistics this week confirming that your strawberry shoppers buy more groceries when strawberries are in the cart. Research shows that when strawberries are in the shopping cart, the sale averages $96.60 versus those shoppers without strawberries spending $48.20. We believe this, especially since almost 71% of Americans are eating fresh strawberries. All the more reason to keep them front and center (fully stocked) in the produce department all season long!