February 9, 2024

Go Niners ! Mexico This region has really come through over the last couple of weeks to support the demand for stems leading into the Valentine's holiday.  Our QC team has been focused on sizing and color in these stem packs to ensure best quality.  We have also had … Read On ›

January 26, 2024

Mexico We are receiving regular volume coming across the border from our regions in central Mexico.  QC teams are focused on ensuring best fruit size, color and flavor to support the demand we are getting as consumers begin to add berries to their weekly shopping list heading into … Read On ›

January 12, 2024

Mexico Volume here is picking up this month after an unsettled December, battling cold and wet conditions in Central Mexico.  January is looking much better with great quality, size and flavor and promotable volume expected leading into the last two weeks of the month.  Timing is perfect to … Read On ›

January 5, 2024

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you had a great holiday season and we look forward to working with you again this year.  Our strawberry season is off to a decent start as we work our way through winter here in California, and in our central Mexico growing regions. Our … Read On ›

December 22, 2023

We have made it through another strawberry season together in 2023 and are very thankful for the partnerships and friendships gained this year. Each of us at Bobalu Berries is wishing you and your family a very Happy Holiday season.  We appreciate you and look forward to a … Read On ›

December 15, 2023

Fall Crop and new Crop Update: We are mid way through the month and things are changing rapidly. This is the time of year when weather can become a factor in all of our growing regions so we will do our best to keep you informed of what … Read On ›

December 1, 2023

Fall Crop California: Welcome to December!  Things have definitely been interesting with our 2023 strawberry season.  Even with the long and challenging year, we are still harvesting fall crop fruit here in southern California.  Cooler weather has slowed things down but the fruit still looks and tastes great.  … Read On ›

October 27, 2023

Fall Crop California: We are well into our fall season here in both Santa Maria and Oxnard.  At this point, Santa Maria is just past the peak but weekly volume is holding steady.  Oxnard is expected to peak in the next couple of weeks with sustained volume expected … Read On ›

September 29, 2023

As we get through this first full week of Fall 2023, we are also shifting right into our fall crop in both of our California growing regions.  The weather has been a factor all year long this season and we hope to see some mild conditions as … Read On ›

September 8, 2023

Santa Maria: As we roll into September, we approach that time of year when seasons overlap in the same region.  Here in Santa Maria we have two distinct crops working together to fill the volume demand.  The spring crop is still going strong on the west side ranches … Read On ›